Check out the milestones of WOF!

WOF 2010

Opening Session
Date 11.15(Mon)
Place Convention Hall, Bexco, Busan

[Keynote Speaker]

Biliana Cicin-Sain

Global Forum on oceans, Coasts, and Islands Co-Chairperson

Special Speech
Place Convention Hall, Bexco, Busan

[Keynote Speaker]

Jin-Soo Chung

ISOPE Founder

[Keynote Speaker]

H. E. Danny Philip

Solomon Islands Prime Minister

Session1 Climate Crisis & Ocean Adaptation
Date 11.15(Mon)
Place Convention Hall, Bexco, Busan


Seung-yong, Hong


Adaptation to Climate Change & Blue Forest Conservation

Nicole Glineur

Global Environment Facility, U.S.A Program manager


Offshore Wind Energy

Peter Hauge Madsen

Riso DTU, Technical University of Denmark Head of Division


Climate Change and Marine Biodiversity

Ji-Hyun Lee

Secretariat of the Convention on Biodiversity, UNEP, Canada Environmental Affairs Officer


Sea Level Rise & Small Islands Nations

Mohamed Aslam

Trasport and Environment,Maldives Minister for Housing

Session2 Ocean Civilization
Date 11.15(Mon)
Place Convention Hall, Bexco, Busan


Paul Holthus

World Ocean Council Executive Director


Ocean Energy and Offshore Wind Energy Programs in China

liang Zhang

Harbin Engineering University, China Professor


Sea Water Desalination Plant

Young-Jin Back

Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction Co.,Ltd.,Korea Vice President


Expanding Global Seafood Production in the Open Ocean Environment

Michael H. Schwarz

Virginia Tech University, U.S.A Professor


Deep Ocean Water as Our Next Natural Resources

Masayuki Mac Takahashi

Emeritus of the University of Tokyo/Kochi University, Japan Professor

Session3 Grren Port & Green Shipping
Date 11.6 (Tue)
Place Convention Hall, Bexco, Busan

[Keynote Speaker]

Theo Notteboom

The International Association of Maritime Economists president


Green Port Strategy

Mark Goh

National University of Singapore Professor


Hard Core Issues on Green Shipping

Young-Tae Chang

Inha University, Korea Professor


The Role of Intermodal Transportation and Inland Terminals in 'Green Port' Strategy

Theo Notteboom

The International Association of Maritime Economists president


Green Port Development & Terminal Operation

Gun-Sik Choi

Hanjin Shipping Co.,Ltd.,Korea Executive Vice president

Session4 Marine Bio-Med
Date 11.16 (Tue)
Place Convention Hall, Bexco, Busan

[Keynote Speaker]

William Fenical

University of California san Diego Distinguished Professor


Development of Innovative Marine Drugs with Coordinated Efforts in Multi-disciplines and Multinational Approach

Heon-Joong Kang

Seoul National University Professor


Exploring the Treasures of the Sea - Bacterial Marine Natural Products

Bradly moorev

University of California san Diego Professor


Mussel Derived Adhesives for Bio-medical Application

Tae-Kwan Park

KAIST, Korea Professor


Developing the Biomedical Recourses of the World's Deep Oceans

William Fenical

University of California san Diego Distinguished Professor

Session5 Ocean Industry & High-tech Convergence
Date 11.16 (Tue)
Place Convention Hall, Bexco, Busan

[Keynote Speaker]

Daniel C. S. Ahn

Offshore Plant Activating Committee, MLTM, Korea Chairman


Usage of High-Tech Knoweldge in Ocean Industry for Blue Economy

Kyu-Nam Cho

Hongik University, Korea Professor


UUV for Naval Science, Technology and Operations

Peter C. Chu

Naval Postgraduate schol Professor


Ocean Industry requires Convergence Every Available High Tech

Daniel C. S. Ahn

Offshore Plant Activating Committee, MLTM, Korea Chairman

Session6 Ocean Industry & High-tech Convergence
Date 11.16 (Tue)
Place Convention Hall, Bexco, Busan

[Keynote Speaker]

Raphael P.M. Lotilla

PEMSEA Excutive Director


Ocean Preservation is a Concern for All of Us, Best Practices and New Ideas to Raise Awareness and Educate the Public

Philippe Vallette

World Ocean Network Chairman


Recent Development of Ocean Policy in Japan

Hiroyuki Nakahara

Research Institute for Ocean Economics, Japan Managing Director


Strengthening Ocean Science & Technology Policy in Korea

Moon-Sang Kwon

Police Research Center, KORDI Executive Director


USA & EU Ocean Governance to Climate Change

Jon M. Van Dyke

University of Hawaii at Manoa Professor

Session7 Ocean Tourism & Cruise Industry
Date 11.16 (Tue)
Place Convention Hall, Bexco, Busan


Kaye Chon

Hong Kong polytechnic University Professor


An Overview of Cruise Market and Industry

Young-Ryeol Joo

Cruise and Ferry Team, samsung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Korea Vice President


Trends in Tourism in Asia Pacific with Implications for Sea Tourism

Kaye Chon

Hong Kong polytechnic University Professor


Green Strategy in Perspective of a Leading Cruise Liner : the Case of Costa Cruise

Dario Rustico

Sales&Marketing, Costa Cruises Pacific Asia Operations, Italy Vice President

Session8 New Paradigms for Fisheries
Date 11.17(Wed)
Place Convention Hall, Bexco, Busan


Carl-Christian Schmidt

OECD Head of Division


Sustaining Aquaculture in a Global Context : Current Issues and Trends

Jeff M. Hinshaw

World Aquaculture Society Past-President


Good Governance for Ensuring Food Security in Fisheries

Carl-Christian Schmidt

OECD Head of Division


New Approaches for Holistic Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Assessment and Management Framework

Chang-Ik Zhang

Pukyong National University Professor


New Challenges of Fisheries Industries

Byung-Goo Min

Dongwon Industry Co., Ltd., Korea Managing Director