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WOF 2019

Keynote Session The Ocean’s Legacy, The Ocean’s Future
Date 10.30(Wed.)
Place Paradise Hotel, Busan, Republic of Korea


Hyun-kyum Kim

President of PanStar Group

Chairman Hyun Kyum Kim studied Civil Engineering at Sungkyunkwan University and completed Master and Ph.D. degree in International Logistics & Trade Strategy at the graduate school of the same university. He founded PanStar Group in 1990 and now running eight companies as a chairman including a KOSDAQ-listed PanStar Enterprise, a RoRo passenger ship operator PanStar Line Dot Com, and an overseas affiliated company SanStar Line in Japan, and more. He was a committee member of the Busan Port Authority, a representative of the Korea Shipping Association, a vice chairman of the Korea Trade Research Association, and a chairman of the Audience Committee of KBS(Korea Broadcasting System). He is now playing active roles in the marine and shipping industry in Korea as a chairman of the Sea Power League of the ROK, also a chairman of the Planning Committee of the World Ocean Forum 2019, and a co-chairman of the Korea Association of Marine Industry.

[Keynote Speaker]

Challenges of the Korean Economy From ‘New to the Korea’ to ‘New to the World’

Jung-dong Lee

Seoul National University Professor

Professor Jeong-Dong Lee received his Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Ph.D. degrees in Engineering at Seoul National University. He is a professor of the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program on Technology Management, Economics and Policy (TEMEP) and the Department of Industrial Engineering in the College of Engineering at Seoul National University, Korea. His main research topics include industry and firm dynamics, productivity and efficiency analysis, evolutionary economics, and innovation policy. He published five books and edited two including “Productivity, Efficiency and Economic Growth in the Asia-Pacific Region” by Springer Verlag in 2008. Professor Lee also published more than 60 articles in peer-reviewed academic journals, such as Economic Modelling, Industrial and Corporate Change, Energy & Environment, Energy Economics, Scientometrics, Journal of Productivity Analysis, Small Business Economics, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Technovation, Mathematical and Computer Modeling, and Asian Journal of Technology Innovation. He served as the Principal Coordinator for the Asia-Pacific Productivity Conference (APPC) in 2006 and 2018, and as the President for the Korean Productivity Association (KPA) in 2011 and the President for the Korean Corporation Management Association (KOCOMA) in 2017. He was the principal investigator of the UNDP (United Nations Development Program) project for the innovation policy case studies for developing countries from 2011-2019. He is the editorial board member of Technovation (Elsevier Journal), the co-editor of Science and Public Policy (Oxford Journal), and the international advisory board member of the National Research University-Higher School of Economics (Moscow). Professor Lee was elected as a member of the National Academy of Engineering of Korea (NAEK) in 2018. Professor Lee now actively consults for the government and private sector. From 2019, he is serving as the Special Advisor to the President for Economy and Technology in the Office of the President, The Republic of Korea.

[Keynote Speaker]

Ports in the New Renaissance

Adjiedj Bakas

Trand Watcher&Author Adjiedj Bakas

Adjiedj Bakas ( 1963) is futurist. He has roots in Asia ( India), Latin-America ( Surinam) and Europe (The Netherlands) and ‘uses these roots perfectly’ ( Times of India). He is ‘a very important trendwatcher’ (China Daily), ‘who can tell a story very well’ ( Suddeutsche Zeitung) and ‘is a very inspiring man’ ( Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte). Adjiedj sold 1 million copies of his books about megatrends, which reshape our future. He has 150 speaking engagements annually. His speeches in the past few years were e.g. for clients as: Port of Rotterdam, Shell, Samsung, Apple, IBM, Air France-KLM, supermarket chain Ahold-Delhaize, JP Morgan Bank, Airbus and Amsterdam Schiphol Airport. He is a much sought speaker. Recently he had speaking engagements in Japan, Spain, France and Nigeria and soon he will speak in Thailand. According to Shell he ranks amongst the top-3 of best speakers they ever booked. He coined the word ‘slowbalisation’ and is praised for his exuberant, energetic, humoristic presentations, integrating innovative videoclips in his speeches. His latest book is called ‘The New Renaissance’.

Main Session1 [Marine Transport] The Structural Changes of the Global Economy and International Trade : Future of Asian Shipping&Port Markets
Date 10.31(Thu.)
Place Paradise Hotel, Busan, Republic of Korea


In- hyeon Kim

Korea University Professor/Captain, School of Law

KIM In Hyeon, born in 1959, is a full time professor in Maritime Law and Marine Insurance Law and the director of Maritime Law Center at the School of Law, Korea University in Korea. He studied nautical science in the Korea Maritime University and employed by the Sanko Steamship Co. LTD from 1982. After he quitted serving as the Captain (still holds valid Master’s license until 2024), he started to study maritime law at Korea University from 1994. He obtained LL.D at Korea University in 1999 and LL.M from the University of Texas at Austin in 2004. He also studied law at the bachelor course of the Korea University from 2005 to 2007. He studied maritime law at National University of Singapore as a visiting professor in 2013. He served as a maritime consultant for Kim & Chang, the largest law firm in Korea from 1996 to 1999. He was the president of Korea Maritime Law Association. He acted as legal adviser for Korean government to UNCITRAL Transport Law Project (Rotterdam Rules) and Legal Committee of the IMO. He was also a member of revision committee for Korean Commercial Code Maritime Law Section. He is a member of Planning Committee of CMI. He published many English articles on maritime law in the Journal of Maritime Law & Commerce(JMLC), including Sewol Ferry Accident and Hanjin Shipping’s Rehabilitation case in Hong Kong Law Journal. He is the author of “Transport Law in South Korea” published by Kluwer. He is a listed member of Korea Commercial Arbitration Board and SCMA as well. He acted as the chairman for establishing Seoul Maritime Arbitration Association during 2017 and 2018. He is the current chairman of advisory board for Minister of Korea Ocean and Maritime Ministry. He also serves as a invited columnist for Ocean view section of Busan Ilbo.


Changes in Northeast Asia’s Trade Pattern & Busan Port’s Development Strategies

Ki-chan Nam

Busan Port Authority(BPA) President

Mr. NAM Ki-chan is a president of Busan Port Authority since 2018. He received his master’s degree and Ph.D from the Graduate School of University of Wales in UK. He has more than 25 years of experience in ports and maritime industries, the greater part of his career spent as a lecturer and professor of Korea Maritime and Ocean University, Erasmus University Rotterdam, and Catholic University of Chile. NAM also dedicated himself to the development of Busan Port as a Member of Logistics Policy Committee of Busan Metropolitan City from 2002 to 2004 and Port Commissioner(Board of Director) of Busan Port Authority from 2006 to 2009.


The Future Technology Change on Shipping

Chang-ho Yang

Professor, Graduate School of Logistics, Incheon National University

The incumbent professor of the Graduate School of Logistics at Incheon University since 2008 following the position of president of Korea Maritime Institute (KMI), researcher at Korea Institute for Industrial Economics & Trade (KIET), and served at multiple departments including the director of Industry Intelligence & Analysis department, director of Port System Research department, director of Planning and Coordination department Industry Intelligence & Strategy Research department and senior research fellow. Main areas for his research at KMI ranged from shipping economy, shipping industry, port development and international logistics. When serving as a professor of the Graduate School of Logistics at Incheon University, he provided lectures on shipping, ports and logistics and logistics policy, while advising students’ thesis. As for research achievements, he has published the total of 25 articles at research journals including SCI, SSCI and SCOPUS. He authors ‘A New Stream of Future in Shipping Port Industry’ (Hyomin, 2009), Shipping Port Logistics Accounting (Pakyoungsa, 2009), Maritime Economics (Pakyoungsa, 2015, translation), Understanding Logistics and SCM (the 2nd printing, Pakyoungsa, 2016). He wrote about 30 research papers including The Meaning and Assessment of Shipping Industry Rationalization (1993, KMI) and Changes of Global Logistics Environment and Countermeasures (2007, KMI).


KOBC : One year on and Supporting Korean Shipping

Kyu-yeol Cho

Director, Strategic Finance Group, Korea Ocean Business Corporation(KOBC)

Based in Korea, Cho Kyu-yeol is currently the Head of the Policy Support Division in Korea Ocean Business Corporation(KOBC) with responsibility for shipping finance, maritime restructuring and maritime research. Prior to joining KOBC in 2018, Cho Kyu-yeol held leadership position as President at Korea Maritime Guarantee Insurance for 7 months. He has extensive experience in banking, with more than 33 years in the industry. In 1986, he joined the Export-Import Bank of Korea(KEXIM) and held several roles in shipping finance, maritime project finance and restructuring for 32 years. In 2016, he served concurrently as Head of Marine Finance Center in Busan and Head of Maritime Restructuring Division at KEXIM. Cho Kyu-yeol is in Ph.D. in Shipping Business Administration at KMOU and did MBA majoring in International Business Administration at KDI School.


Chang-won Kum

President, Sinokor Merchant Marine Co., Ltd.

President Kum Chang-won (1963) studied Navigation Science at Korea Maritime & Ocean University (1988) and was employed at Hanjin Transportation Co., Ltd. from 1988 to 1991. After this, he was employed in Dongbu Express Co., Ltd. from 1991 to 1998 before he had entered Sinokor Merchant Marine Co., Ltd. as a head of Japan Sales Team in 1998. In July of 2006, President Kum became the president of Sinokor’s Japan office Sinokor Seihon and stayed there until 2014 where he returned to Sinokor Seoul headquarters’ sales division and also held position of president at Kookyang Logitech Co., Ltd. In January of 2015, President Kum was appointed as the head director of the Operation division at Sinokor Merchant Marine Co., Ltd. until in 2017 when he was also appointed as a president of Hansung Line Co., Ltd. along with Vice President at Sinokor Merchant Marine Co., Ltd. President Kum became the president at Sinokor Merchant Marine Co., Ltd. in March of 2019. President Kum is also a vice president of the Korea Maritime Youth Federation starting in February of 2019 and serves in various other organizations as well.


Jin-hoi Hwang

Director General, Maritime Industry & Safety Division, Korea Maritime Institute(KMI)

Hwang Jin-hoi is currently Director General of Maritime Industry & Safety Research Division at the Korea Maritime Institute(KMI). His research interests include maritime policy and ship finance, seafaring policy, Arctic sea route, North Korean shipping port, and cruise policy. His research focuses on strengthening the shipping industry's competitiveness and developing the national economy. He is currently working as a Committee Member, The Presidential Committee on Northern Economic Cooperation, Chairman of the steering committee, Korea Cruise Forum, Committee Member of Maritime Industry Subcommittee, Economic Social & Labor Council, Committee Member, Self-assessment committee, Ministry of Ocean and Fisheries. He studied economics at university and graduate school, graduated doctorate majors in trade, shipping and international logistics, and has worked for 25 years at Korea Maritime Institute.

Main Session2 [Fisheries] Marine Resources Management & Smart Aquaculture
Date 10.31(Thu.)
Place Paradise Hotel, Busan, Republic of Korea


Sang-go Lee

Dean, Graduate School of World Fisheries University (WFU) Professor, Pukyong National University

Lee Sang-go : Since becoming a professor, Dept of Marine Business & Economics, Pukyong National Univ(PKNU) in 1992, he has primarily conducted his research in the area fisheries bioeconomics and fisheries management where he has a publication record of about 150 fisheries social sciences articles and several books. In recent years, his research has primarily been in bioeconomics of fisheries and management.


Marine ecosystem-based Assesment and Management for Sustainable Fisheries

Chang-ik Zhang

Fellow, The Korean Academy of Science and Technology(KAST) Professor Emeritus, Pukyong National University

Prof. Zhang Chang-ik (1953) has studied Marine Fisheries Ecology at the University of Washington for his Ph.D. degree (1987). He has been a Professor at Pukyong National University (PKNU) for 25 years. He has been Director of the Institute of Fisheries Science, Pukyong National University. He has served as Chairman of the Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna (CCSBT) in 2008-2009. He is deeply involved in the North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) activity as Chairman of the Fishery Science Committee (FIS). He has also served the Korean government as Member of The Presidential Commission on Agriculture, Fishery and Rural Policy, and also as a Member of The Presidential Commission on Policy Planning. He has been a Member of the National Sustainable Development Committee. He has served as Chairman of the Advisory Committee for the Minister of Ocean and Fisheries. He has elected as Fellow of the Korea Academy of Science & Technology in 2005.


Developments in RAS(Recirculating Aquaculture System) technology, implementing new data platform

Henrik Mortensen

Senior Consultant, CMAQUA Technologies, Denmark

He has been involved in Aquaculture for more than 30 years. Being a biologist with Master thesis on fish physiology, describing energy budget for turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) and developing optimal feed composition, in order to promote commercial farming of turbot. He has been involved in many aspects of aquaculture, both as production and construction manager of the largest eelfarm(Anguilla Anguilla) in Northern Europe in early 1980`and later as productmanager at EWOS a fish feed company which developed the first commercial dry feed for trout and salmon. During the years with close contact to fish farmers, he achieved a lot of practical experience within fishfarming, which also have been used in a position as consultant and teacher within the industry at high school level at Aquaculture center in Silkeborg. Henrik Mortensen, also designed the first recirculating salmon farm in Denmark, which still supplies fry and smolt for restocking the largest river system in Denmark. He have always believed that recirculation would become a more widespread technology, but it took many years of slow progress to get to a point where it could be recognized as a stable and reliable way of fish production. We have reached that point now, and as a deeply involved person in this technical field, first working for Hydrotech in Sweden, then founding CMAQUA Technologies, together with a competent engineer(Kurt Calrsen)—Together they developed a very essential part of recirculating fish farms, the HEX drumfilter, which secures particle control in the best and most economic way. The company have been very successful and are now standard component for many RAS builders CMAQUA Technologies is now merged with Ratz Polymer Technik in Germany, and have 5000 m2 new production facilities in Germany. The factory have special emphasis on water treatment equipment especially the HEX Drumfilter which have been developed with a special view of corrosion resistance, as many fish farms produce high value salt water fish and shrimp Co-founder of Danish aquaculture society—now Aquacircle, where he is part of the boarder.


Industrialization of Aquaculture

Jung-ho Han

CEO, Fish Nest System Co., Ltd.

CEO. Han Jung-ho(1962) studied Fishery at Jeju University and Ph.D. in Energy Chemical Engineering(2019), Cheju National University. He has worked for Aqua Engineering, National Cooperative Federation,Ozonia, and NNT Systems. At the French company Ozonia, he served as a technical director for 10 years in Advanced Oxidation Process filed and sewage treatment, TOC removal process using AOP, and nondegradable material removal process. Currently, he is a representative of FNS Co., Ltd. Water purification system is used to design smart farms along with Israel's ATLANTIUM (MP UV), US AST (Bead Filter), UK IAT LTD (RAS Engineering), and Netherlands SEAFARM (RAS Engineering & Farming), Denmark CM Aqua(Water treatment Equipment). It is committed to dissemination. FNS Co., Ltd. Mr. Han Jung-ho is a consultant with various other organizations. He works as a consultant in Thailand, Peru and Vietnam. In particular, he is a consultant member of Asian Academy of Aquarium Technology in China. And also serves as lecturer in the marine technology field at the Jeju Fisheries Research and Development Institute.


Smart Aquaculture – Practicing Sustainability with Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) Technology

Timothy John Pfeiffer

Research Director, Aquaculture System Technologies, United States

Dr. Pfeiffer, born 1958, has a PhD (1997) from the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering at Louisiana State University in Aquacultural Engineering. Pfeiffer obtained his MSc degree in Aquaculture from Auburn University and his BSc in Marine Biology from Oregon State University. Tim began his aquaculture career as a Peace Corps fisheries volunteer in Nepal in 1982. In Nepal he established several field carp hatcheries to supplement the supply of government fingerlings to rural fish farmers. Upon returning to the U.S. he took an Observer position with the National Marine Fisheries Service. He was stationed in Seattle and spent three years aboard Japanese trawlers and processing vessels for the pollock and salmon foreign fishing industry. After establishing his sea legs, Dr. Pfeiffer moved inland to Auburn to complete his Master’s degree in Aquaculture with an emphasis in water quality, pond construction, and fish nutrition. After graduation he had a contract with Peace Corps as a technical trainer in Liberia and Sierra Leonne, West Africa training aquaculture volunteer on tilapia pond culture and breeding. He returned once again to the US and began pursuing his doctorate degree in aquaculture engineering. His dissertation research focused on computer control of an integrated algae and seed clam production system. After a brief post doc position at an oyster hatchery in Maryland he began his 15 year career with the USDA Agricultural Research Service as an Research Aquaculture Engineer. Pfeiffer established replicated low and high head RAS units for evaluating several marine finfish species for commercial production as part of the USDA Sustainable Marine Aquaculture Systems project. Funding for the project was terminated in 2011 at which time Dr. Pfeiffer took a Water Resource position with the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service and spent 13 months working in Afghanistan on a variety of irrigation and water related projects. Upon returning to the U.S. he began working for AST (Aquaculture System Technology) and has obtained over $1M in funding for product development. Currently Dr. Pfeiffer has consulted on a variety of aquaculture and irrigation projects. He has worked with FINS in Jeju Island in conceptual designs for Olive flounder RAS; USAID Feed the Future project in Upper Egypt for drip irrigation of desert land reclamation; upgrading the RAS units for a redfish farm in Texas; and the design and implementation of a 5M ton tilapia RAS facility in Iowa. Most recently, Dr. Pfeiffer is working with his Cornell University engineering colleague, Dr. Michael Timmons, author of the yellow RAS book, in establishing a finfish farm in Vero Beach, FL


Chun-woo Lee

Professor, Division of Marine Production System Management, Pukyong National University

Prof. Lee Chun-woo (1957) graduated dept. of Fisheries(1982) at Pukyong National University and earned a master's degree, studied for Fisheries Physics(1986). He earned his Ph.D. in Fisheries Study from the Hokkaido University(1991). He worked as a senior scientist at the National Fisheries Research & Development Institute for about three years and is now a Professor of Division of Marine Production System Management at Pukyong National University since 1995 and he served as Dean of the College of Fisheries Sciences and is director of the Low-carbon marine production technology research institute at the university. Prof. Lee Chun-woo was a consultant to the Korea Institute of Marine Science & Technology Promotion(KIMST), IPET(Institute of Planning and Evaluation for the Technology in Food), technical committee member of the MAFRA(Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs) and Director of SMART Oceans and Fisheries Project Team for Future Convergence and Manpower Cultivation in Pukyong National University. Now, He is a President of The Korean Federation of Fisheries Science and Technology Societies(KOFFST) and The Korea Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology(KSFOT). Also, he is a member of the Presidential Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Policy, a member of the Prime Minister’s Office’s committee on compensation for the Sewol-Ferry disaster, Fisheries Subcommittee Chairman of the Policy Advisory Committee of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs.


Sung-ju Jung

전남대학교 수산생명의학과 교수

Prof. Jung Sung-ju (born in 1970) graduated from the Department of Fish Pathology at Pukyong National University (1992), and achieved her Ph.D at Mie University. After PhD, she worked as an assistant professor at Kochi University for a year. Since September 1998, she has been joined at the Department of Aqualife Medicine, Chonnam National University. She is studying various diseases that occur during aquaculture, and is interested in the prevention of fish disease by control environmental factors and vaccine development. Currently, conducting researches on ‘smart fish healthcare’ as a member of ‘smart aquaculture center’ of Chonnam National University. She is a member of Korean Society of Fish Pathology, and fisheries science related committee member of Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, Jeollanamdo province and Yeosu city


Together towards a sustainable future

Thomas Van Thiel

By the Ocean we Unite (Netherlands) Founder

2016 - 2018 Founded By the Ocean we Unite (CEO- head of board) Netherlands 2009-2016 Professional sailor (1st mate tall ships officer) - yacht skipper (captain)

Main Session3 [Marine Relationship] Logistics Cooperation in the Ocean of Northeast Asia and the Role of Busan
Date 11.01(Fri.)
Place Paradise Hotel, Busan, Republic of Korea


Myung-shin Ha

Professor, Division of International Commerce, Pukyong National University

Professor Ha Myung-shin(the year 1962) has studied international trade at the College of Business Administration, Chung-Ang University. He has also got Ph.D degree at the University of Liverpool, Britain. Since 1993 he has been as a professor at the College of Business Administration, Pukyong National University(PKNU) and served as a Dean of College of Business Administration, Research director of Global Logistics Institute. He has carried out a variety of activities externally such as Chairman of Korean Academy of International Commerce, Vice president of The Korea Trade Research Association, Representative of Neo-Maritime Economy Forum for Northern Region, Commissioner of Busan Port Authority, Independent Director of Korea Container Terminal Authority, Policy Advisory Committee of Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Consultant of Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Columnist of The Busan Ilbo and The Kookje Daily News, and so on.


We are building a bridge for peace and logistics cooperation in Northeast Asia

Ivan Tonkikh

Director General, RasonConTrans, Russia

Ivan Tonkikh is CEO of RasonConTrans – Russian -DPRK Joint Venture Company founded by the Russian Railways Holding Company (“RZD”) and Port Rajin (DPRK) in 2008. It is an official operator of the logistic project «Rajin-Khasan» (RKLP). The idea of the project is trilateral cooperation between the Russian Federation, Democratic People's Republic of Korea and Republic of Korea, the reconstruction of the railway network on Korean Peninsula and connection it to the Trans - Siberian Railway with further entry to Eurasia. Ivan Tonkikh has led the company since 2017 when it started suffering issues caused by the sanctions policy in reply to Pyongyang’s missile and nuclear tests. Nevertheless, RasonConTrans JVC continues functioning and demonstrates a pretty good financial results and an increased demand among companies importing Russian coal to Asia and Pacific countries. Ivan Tonkikh has a considerable managerial experience. He had begun from the position of a distribution agent and proceeded to a project manager in IT company ‘Comcor TV’ in 2006. On the period from 2009 to 2014 I. Tonkikh worked in the infosecurity field, then he was engaged in the investment activity and was invited to the position of the Director of the Department for Investment Attraction, Foreign and Economic Support in the Ministry for the Development of Russian Far East. He finished working in the Ministry for the Development of Russian Far as an Adviser to the Minister and moved to RasonConTrans JVC. Ivan Tonkikh graduated from Ul’yanovsk State University (major: regional studies), got MBA in Sales and Marketing in the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation. He is happily married and brings up a daughter of 2 years old.


Logistics in the Far East of Russia

Igor E. Khrushchev

Director, Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, Russia

Igor Khrushchev was born on September 2, 1964, in the city of Mogilev, Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic in the family of navy officer and agronomist. At the age of 14, he decided to follow the career track of his father and moved to the Far East for entering the Far Eastern Naval College. In 1983, he graduated with honors and received a Navigator Degree. He started his career in Vladivostok working in the largest Russian company named "VOSTOKRYBKHOLODFLOT". Moving up through the ranks, Igor Khrushchev had a career advancement from the 4-th Captain Assistant to Sea Captain. He enriched his experience in the Russian state-owned company being in charge of top management of joint Russian and Korean shipping company named “COSMOS MARITIME Co. LTD”. The main activity was opening and operation of commercial lines along the route Vladivostok - Busan, and other international projects in the field of shipping and commerce.. The gained experience and knowledge in business and international projects allowed to start a new career path. From 2001 to the present, he is an active leader in various areas of public administration. Igor Khrushchev headed municipal enterprises and institutions working in the Administration of Vladivostok in 2001-2005. In 2005-2008 he led the International Center for Russian-Korean Cooperation at Far Eastern State University. In 2008-2012 he worked in the Administration of Primorsky Region and was responsible for the development of transport and industrial sectors in the region. Assessing the experience and professionalism of Igor Khrushchev, the Leadership of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation appointed him to the position of Director of “Rosavtotrans” Federal State-Funded Institution Far Eastern Branch Office. From 2016 to the present, Igor Khrushchev is the Director of “Rosgranstroy” Federal State-Owned Institution of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District. Previously and currently, Igor Khrushchev is one of the leading experts in the field of transport and logistics.


Promotion of marine economic prosperity in Northeast Asia area

Jin Songfeng

General Manager, Sea-line Shipping Co.,Ltd., China

From 1993 to July 1996, Jin Songfeng studied at the Normal College of Usulisk City, Russia. After graduation, he successively founded Hunchun Huafeng Economic and Trade Co., Ltd. and Hunchun Changde Economic and Trade Co., Ltd. as general manager, engaged in import and export trade. From July 28, 2006 to now, he has served as chairman of Hunchun Jinying Industry Co., Ltd. and founded Hunchun Jinying International Freight Forwarding Co., Ltd. in 2008, he has participated in and operated the Dongchun and Sokcho routes for more than 10 years. He has rich experience in the operation of international land-sea intermodal routes. In May 2019, he was appointed Deputy Head of the Leading Group of the Hunchun International Port Project Construction and Maritime Routes by the Hunchun Municipal Government.


Beyond Primorye-1 Corridor

Hongliang Guo

Deputy General Manager, SWIFT Industry, China

Mr. Guo Hongliang got a bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering at Beijing Institute of Technology in 1993. He ever served EAS International Shipping for 14 years as Planning and Operating Manager before leaving. He joined in SWIFT Transport Group as Deputy General Manager in 2011. Mr. Guo Hongliang has rich experience in shipping and logistics industry. He delivered some creative jobs in the multimodal sectors. In 2014, he got breakthrough along Primorye-1 corridor and makes SWIFT Transport as top player in Far Eastern area. In 2016, he got breakthrough by the round-trip block trains along Mongolian corridor linking China and Russia, which makes SWIFT Transport as leading player in this corridor. In 2018, he bridged Vietnam and Moscow via the land corridor of China and Mongolia.


Jerry H.K Kim

Deputy Director, New Northern Policy City Diplomacy Policy Division, Busan Metropolitan City

Deputy Director Jerry H.K Kim(Year of Birth 1973) started his career as a public official from 2003 and worked in various divisions of Busan Metropolitan city including Economic Policy, Job Creation, Sports Promotion, Municipal Administration, ASEAN-ROK Commemorative Summit TF and Busan Cinema Center(dispatched). In January 2019, he took the deputy director position in New Southern/Northern Policy division established for the first time among Metropolitan city governments in line with the central government’s newly pursuing diplomatic policy for a wider approach to Northern & Southern region. Since this July, he has been taking in charge of supervision of the New Northern Policy division following reorganization. In this position, he has engaged in promoting the New Northern Policy of Busan in deeper and systematic manner. Mr. Kim obtained with a Bachelor Degree in Private Law and a Master Degree in Science of Public Administration from Pusan National University.


Sung-woo Lee

Director General, Port&Logistics Research Division, Korea Maritime Institute(KMI)

Dr. Lee Sung-woo is a director General at Port & Logistics Division, Korea Maritime Institute(KMI). He has been involved in various governmental projects, many of which are associated with shipping management, dry port planning and port logistics park development. He was previously affiliated with the Centre of Urban Planning and Environmental Management at the University of Hong Kong as a visiting professor. His interests include managerial and strategic aspects of international logistics and maritime transport, making business model based on SCM, possibility of Arctic logistics system and port-city interaction. He is also an advisor in related to logistics field for Korea government. His representative writings are Devolution, Port Governance and Port Performance, Ports in Proximity, Shipping & Port Condition Changes and Throughput Prospects with Opening of the NSR, Port & City, Challenges of the Changing Arctic, Maritime Business and Economics and so on.

Main Session4 [Shipbuilding] Hydrogen Ship & Technology Issues in the Era of GHG Reduction
Date 11.01(Fri.)
Place Paradise Hotel, Busan, Republic of Korea


Jae-myung Lee

Professor, Department of Naval Architecture&Ocean Engineering, Pusan National University

Lee Jae-myung is professor of Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering and director of Cryogenic Material Research Institute (CMRI) and Hydrogen Ship Technology Center(HySTC) in Pusan National University. He was appointed as a professional committee member for Establishing Korea's Hydrogen Economy Activation Roadmap. He obtained his PhD degree in Ship and Ocean Engineering from University of Tokyo in Japan in 1999. He is also the deputy editor of Ocean Engineering (SCI Journal) and associate editor of Metals (SCI Journal). His research interests focus on continuum damage mechanics, finite element analysis, modeling of material nonlinearity, and simulation based design. He has carried out various projects such as development of advanced insulating materials, cryogenic storing system, computational method for failure prediction, etc.


Sustainable shipping 2020 and beyond


Regional General Manager, Sustainable Shipping, Bureau Veritas Marine, France

Martial is at the position of Regional General Manager Sustainable Shipping in Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore, with the primary role of enhancing LNG as fuel and alternative energy to the shipping in North East Asia. He has been involved in development of new safety rules and guidelines for the use of LNG as a bunker fuel in BV, SGMF, IACS and EMSA as high level expert. Martial has played a key role on assessing the CMA CGM 22kTEU DF on safety of LNG bunkering and notably SIMOPS operations. He has been also in charge a consultancy project on LNG propulsion of the biggest ever MSC cruise vessel World Class. He was previously manager of the FP7 project Ulysses on innovative energy efficiency systems and has a Master Engineer Degree in Naval Shipbuilding. Prior to joining Bureau Veritas in 2006 as propulsion and safety design engineer, Martial has been working for more than 15 years with experience oversea in Singapore, in Chantiers de l’Atlantique and DCNS in France and started his career in the French Military Navy as a mechanical engineer.


The Initial IMO Strategy on Reduction of GHG emissions from ships

Jong-kap Lee

Advisor, Korea Research Institute of Ships & Ocean Engineering(KRISO)

Dr. Lee Jong-kap studied Naval Architecture(BS, 1977) at Busan National University, and Industry Systems Engineering (MS, 1996) and Ships and Marine structure(Ph.D, 2000) at Chungnam National University. He worked for DSME from 1979 to 1989, and moved to KRISO (Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean Engineering), where he joined and led various R&D projects of design and manufacturing automation. He also studied design for safety and reliability of ships and marine systems until retirement in 2016. Currently Dr. Lee serves as an Accredited Representative (technical) of ASEF (Active Shipbuilding Experts’ Federation) which is one of the NGOs at the International Maritime Organization (IMO). He has also served as Chair of SC 8 (Sub Committee for ship design) of ISO/TC 8 (Technical Committee for ships and marine technology) since 2018.


Hydrogen a safe and economic alternative?

Haico Van der Heijden

Strategic New Business Director, TNO, Netherlands

Haico Van der Heijden MSc, MBA. Studied for his MSC ”Automotive Mechatronics” at the Eindhoven University of Technology and his MBA “International business” at the Temple University in Tokyo. For the last 15 years he has been actively involved with TNO and its subsidiaries in the development of Wind Energy and Alternative Fuels for the maritime industry. In Europe through various projects and participation on Strategic implementation of new fuel strategies, often working with various companies, such as ship builders/owners, equipment manufacturers, as well as regulation bodies such as Bureau Veritas, Lloyds, DNV, as well as local and national governments. In Korea, most recently has been the development of an LNG Test bed together with Gyeongnam Technopark, which enable local suppliers to test their equipment towards international standards. On Jejudo the development of an Windturbine test site for the qualification of the Hyundai and the Hyosung 5MW turbines. Within TNO he is responsible for developing new Research and Development activities on Hydrogen for the Maritime industry. Working closely together with the Automotive group (mainly heavy goods vehicle), Energy group (Green hydrogen and wind) to find a technical solutions, which are safe and economically viable.


Technological Development and Challenges to Hydrogen Era in Cryogenic Area of Shipbuilding Industry

Jae-myung Lee

Professor, Department of Naval Architecture&Ocean Engineering, Pusan National University

Lee Jae-myung is professor of Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering and director of Cryogenic Material Research Institute (CMRI) and Hydrogen Ship Technology Center(HySTC) in Pusan National University. He was appointed as a professional committee member for Establishing Korea's Hydrogen Economy Activation Roadmap. He obtained his PhD degree in Ship and Ocean Engineering from University of Tokyo in Japan in 1999. He is also the deputy editor of Ocean Engineering (SCI Journal) and associate editor of Metals (SCI Journal). His research interests focus on continuum damage mechanics, finite element analysis, modeling of material nonlinearity, and simulation based design. He has carried out various projects such as development of advanced insulating materials, cryogenic storing system, computational method for failure prediction, etc.


The Use of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems to Comply with MARPOL Annex VI

Ian Adams

Executive Director, Clean Shipping Alliance 2020, United Kingdom

Ian Adams has been involved in the Shipping Industry since 1985 in various capacities, with P&O Cruises, Deep Sea Seals and Hamworthy. He is currently Executive Director of the Clean Shipping Alliance 2020 (CSA 2020) and Managing Director of IMA Marine Ltd. He was appointed Chief Executive of The International Bunker Industry Association (IBIA) in February 2009, after having been its Secretary-General for seven and a half years. During his time there, Ian gained consultative status at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) for IBIA. This resulted in him being involved in the process of the revision of MARPOL Annex VI. He was a member of the IMO Secretary General’s Scientific and Industry Expert Panel during 2007. He left IBIA in July 2011. With his wide experience, Ian continues to be in demand to present at conferences around the world about emissions from ships. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Marine Engineering Science and Technology (IMarEST) and has served on the Council as well as being a Past President of the Southern Joint Branch (SJB) in the United Kingdom. Founded in 2011, IMA Marine Ltd is a Marine Consultancy providing consultancy, acting as an expert witness, training, research and advice within the marine industry


Experimental study of 1:60 scaled DTU 10MW TLP Floating Wind Turbine with different controllers

Tae-seong Kim

Professor, Centre for Renewable Energy System Technology(CREST), School of Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering, Loughborough University, United Kingdom

Prof. Kim (1977) earned Aerospace Engineering BSc degree at Korea Aerospace University (2004) and obtained Aerospace Engineering PhD at Seoul National University (2009). After his PhD he worked at Seoul National University as a PostDoc, Risoe National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy at Denmark and Technical University of Denmark as a research scientist and associate professor, respectively until 2018. Currently he is working at Loughborough University, UK as a full chaired professor of wind energy. His main research topic is aero-servo-hydro-elasticity of wind turbine system. Prof. Kim is a member of several organizations such as an international advisory board member of the KSOE, a global advisory board member of KETEP, a external advisory board member of KIER, and a global advisory board member of KIAT. He is currently an associate editor of Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, technical committee member of ASME Wind Energy, and member of European Wind Energy Academy.

Main Session5 [Epilogue] Vision for the Future of World Oceans
Date 11.01(Fri.)
Place Paradise Hotel, Busan, Republic of Korea


Hyun-kyum Kim

Chair of the Planning Committee, World Ocean Forum President, Sea Power League of the Republic of Korea President, PanStar Group

Chairman Kim Hyun-kyum(1961) studied Civil Engineering at Sungkyunkwan University and completed Master and Ph.D. degree in International Logistics & Trade Strategy at the graduate school of the same university. He founded PanStar Group in 1990 and now running eight companies as a chairman including a KOSDAQlisted PanStar Enterprise, a RoRo passenger ship operator PanStar Line Dot Com, and an overseas affiliated company SanStar Line in Japan, and more. He was a committee member of the Busan Port Authority, a representative of the Korea Shipping Association, a vice chairman of the Korea Trade Research Association, and a chairman of the Audience Committee of KBS(Korea Broadcasting System). He is now playing active roles in the marine and shipping industry in Korea as a chairman of the Sea Power League of the ROK, also a chairman of the Planning Committee of the World Ocean Forum 2019, and a co-chairman of the Korea Association of Marine Industry.


Kwang-yeol Park

Executive Director, Planning & Administration Division, Korea Ocean Business Corporation(KOBC)

Executive Director Park, Kwang-yeol(1963) studied Public Administration at Kyonggi University(1984) and at University of Wales(UK) earning master’s degrees in Maritime Policy and International Transportation. He has worked in a range of Korean government maritime roles including Director of Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries Busan and Incheon Office, Chief of Maritime Safety Dept., and Spokesperson for MOF. He took the Executive Director position at Korea Ocean Business Corporation(KOBC) since its launch on July, 2018 and is leading the Planning & Administration Division. He pledges to devote for the five-year maritime reconstruction plan with his backgrounds in 30 years of maritime industry.


Sang-go Lee

Dean, Graduate School of World Fisheries University (WFU) Professor, Pukyong National University

Lee Sang-go : Since becoming a professor, Dept of Marine Business & Economics, Pukyong National Univ(PKNU) in 1992, he has primarily conducted his research in the area fisheries bioeconomics and fisheries management where he has a publication record of about 150 fisheries social sciences articles and several books. In recent years, his research has primarily been in bioeconomics of fisheries and management.


Dong-hyon Lee

Professor, Department of International Logistics, Pyeongtaek University

Professor Lee Dong-hyon(born in 1964) is currently professor of Department of International Logistics in Pyeongtaek University. Before working as professor since 2010, he used be a newspaper reporter in the Busan Daily from 1991 to 2010. When he was a journalist, he wrote a book called , so that the public could easily understand Korean ports and the policy. His interest includes various marine issues such as shipping, port, fisheries, maritime safety, marine environment and so forth. Especially Professor Lee has focused on the analysis and evaluation of policy making and implementation process in these issues. As a result of these efforts, he has published a large number of papers, articles and books on a variety of subjects. He also has worked for Director of KMIPTU Yellow Sea Maritime Logistics Center and Global Logistics and Ocean Research Institute in PTU since 2011. Professor Lee holds two Bachelor degrees in Communication and Economics from the Yonsei University(Seoul, Korea), a Master Degree in Marine Affairs from the University of Washington(Seattle, USA) and a Ph.D. in Public Administration(Policy) from the Seoul National University(Seoul, Korea). Also, he acquired a certificate in GTTL(Global Trade, Transportation and Logistics) program from the University of Washington. Since 2 years ago, he has been the head of the PTU Linc+ Division at Pyeongtaek Univ., and has been working to cultivate human resources for the 4th industrial revolution, including smart logistics.


Jae-myung Lee

Professor, Department of Naval Architecture&Ocean Engineering, Pusan National University

Lee Jae-myung is professor of Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering and director of Cryogenic Material Research Institute (CMRI) and Hydrogen Ship Technology Center(HySTC) in Pusan National University. He was appointed as a professional committee member for Establishing Korea's Hydrogen Economy Activation Roadmap. He obtained his PhD degree in Ship and Ocean Engineering from University of Tokyo in Japan in 1999. He is also the deputy editor of Ocean Engineering (SCI Journal) and associate editor of Metals (SCI Journal). His research interests focus on continuum damage mechanics, finite element analysis, modeling of material nonlinearity, and simulation based design. He has carried out various projects such as development of advanced insulating materials, cryogenic storing system, computational method for failure prediction, etc.


Daniel Jang

Research Fellow, Ocean & Port Policy, Busan Development Institute(BDI)

Dr. Daniel Jang (1977), research fellow of Busan Development Institute(BDI) studied Coast Guard Engineering at Korea Maritime & Ocean University(2000, 2002). He received Ph.D. in 2014 from Korea Maritime & Ocean University in the field of Mechatronics Engineering. He is conducting ocean & port policy research at BDI, comprehensive policy research institute of Busan metropolitan city. He was head professor of Korea Port Training Institute, Busan and officer in charge of Marine policy department of Busan metropolitan city. Dr. Jang is currently a member of the Planning Committee of the WOF, the policy committee of Busan Cruise Industry Development and the technical committee of Busan Port Construction Office in MOF. And He was a member of the committee of Sewol special Investigation, the delegation of arctic circle, Iceland and Eurasia-Busan Expedition.


Suk-hyun Kim

Principal Research Scientist, Marine Environmental Research Center, Korea Institute of Ocean Science &Technology (KIOST)

Dr. Kim Suk-hyun (1958) graduated the Department of Oceanography (1982) at Seoul National University and earned his master’s (1993) and Ph.D. (1997) from the Department of Earth and Ocean Science, Hanyang University. At the Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology, he served as Director of Biogeochemical Laboratory, Director of Waste Ocean Dumping Research Center, Director of Marine Radionuclide Research Center, Director of Chemical Research Division and Director of Environmental Analyses·Remediation Division. From 1999 to 2002, he participated as an expert in the London Convention. He served as a member of the working Group on Assessment of Marine Environmental Quality of Radiation around the North Pacific in the North Pacific Maritime Science Organization in 2013-2017. Since 2016, he has been involved in the second cycle of the UN’s the Regular Process for Global Reporting and Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment, including Socioeconomic Aspects.

Special Session1 Marine City Network
Date 10.31(Thu.)
Place Paradise Hotel, Busan, Republic of Korea


Yoon-soo Hur

Director, Northeast Asia Ocean, Busan Development Institute(BDI)

Hur Yoon-soo is currently Senior Researcher Fellow and Director of Northeast Asia Ocean Capital Strategy Center in Busan Development Institute (BDI). Before joining BDI in 2001, he was Researcher in Institute of International Maritime Affairs at Korea Maritime University from 2000 to 2001. His work includes research related to the development of Port & Logistics in Busan, and making the urban planning related to Busan’s Logistics and Port. He also supports the local government for planning the Ocean Industry development for growing the economy of Busan. He also researches Busan’s artic policy for not only getting the opportunity of resource development but also keeping the artic environment. He has published a large number of papers, articles, books and monographs on Logistic strategy, Busan port, Ocean industry. He got the education from BA to PH.D in Korea Maritime University in department of Logistics System Engineering. He is born in 1969 in Republic of Korea.


Hiroshi Takahashi

Director, Land Sales Division, Port & Harbor Bureau, Osaka City Government, Japan

Education Mar. 1993 Graduated from Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan Professional Career Apr. 1993 Joined the City of Osaka, Japan (Planning Department, Port and Harbor Bureau) Jul. 2017 Manager for City Planning, City Planning Bureau, City of Osaka Apr. 2018 Director for Umekita Development, City Planning Bureau, City of Osaka Apr. 2019 Director for Land Sales, Port and Harbor Bureau, City of Osaka


Chris Bourque

Business and Operations Manager, Oceans Technology Council of Nova Scotia, Canada

Business and Operations Manager – Ocean Technology Council of Nova Scotia (OTCNS) Chris has been working with Ocean Technology companies for most of his career. Through his experience in working with various boards, he has been involved in the Pan Atlantic Canada Business Development Agreement on ocean technology, the start of COVE (Centre for Ocean Ventures and Entrepreneurship) as well as the start-up of the Atlantic Canada Aerospace and Defence Association. Chris is also a Certified International Trade Professional and Canadian Army Reservist where he serves as a Psychological Operations Analyst.


Daw Hlaing Maw Oo

Secretary, Yangon City Development Committee(YCDC)

Ms. Daw Hlaing Maw Oo is the Secretary of Yangon City Development Committee, Chairperson of Yangon City Bank, Vice Chair (2) of Myanmar Architect Council and Task Force Leader of Dealing with Construction Permitting System component of Ease of Doing Business in Myanmar. She is the holder of Bachelor of Architecture (RIT); Diploma of AIT (Urban Planning) (AIT); Master of Environmental Planning and Management (YTU). Prior to joining Yangon City Development Committee on 1st June 2016, she worked at different Urban Planning and Architectural Positions starting from Assistant Manager of Yangon City and Regional Development Phase (2) Project and Staff Officer (Urban Planning) / Assistant Urban Planner with Urban and Regional Planning Division of the Department of Human Settlement and Housing Development, Ministry of Construction, up to the Director Post with various Departments of Ministry of Construction such as the Department of Human Settlement and Housing Development, Public Works and Building Department.


Jin-seog Park

Director General, Maritime Affairs, Fisheries & Logistics Bureau, Busan Metropolitan City

Director general Park Jin-seog (born in 1968) majored in public administration at Hanyang University. In 1999, he started his career at the department of General Affairs in Busanjin-gu, Busan. In addtion to this, he has worked in various sectors as the officer of attracting strategy in the division of Investment Promotion, the officer and the head of the Financial Business Hub Planning Group, the deputy director general for Tourism, the deputy director general for Logistics. Due to the reorganization in July 2019, he has been appointed as the director general of the Maritime Affairs, Fisheries & Logistics Bureau, which covers the ocean based on logistics. Now, he is making every effort to promote related policies to enable Busan to move toward the center of maritime logistics in Northeast Asia.

Special Session2 Marine Fisheries ODA for the Blue Economy and New Southern Policy - ASEAN-Republic of Korea Commemorative Summit D-25
Date 10.31(Thu.)
Place Paradise Hotel, Busan, Republic of Korea


Kwang-soon Park

Director General, Jeju Research Institute, Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology(KIOST)

Dr. Park Kwang-soon (born 1955) is currently the director of Jeju Research Institute of the Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST). He majored in coastal engineering at the National Fisheries University of Pusan (currently Pukyong National University) and obtained his Ph.D. in 1993. Since joining the KIOST in 1986, he has been dedicated to mission-oriented and purpose-oriented research as a PI or a participant in medium and large-scale research projects in the area of coastal disaster reduction technology research. He was especially committed to the development and establishment of operational ocean forecasting systems to support the resolution of urgent national issues concerning the sea. During the period from 2009 to 2018, he successfully developed and operated KOOS(Operational Ocean Forecasting System in Korea) through the national R&D project. This research project was selected as one of the top 100 national R&D achievements in 2015. KOOS system is being used by transferring technology to national agencies and industries. It is also transferring KOOS technology to Colombia and Vietnam through the ODA project. He served as vice president of KIOST from July 2015 to July 2016. From May 2010 to May 2012, he served as director of the Korea-China Joint Ocean Research Center. He derives practical research results through joint research on coastal disaster reduction technology, which is a common concern of both Korea and China. He has contributed to the development of operational ocean forecasting system in North-East Asian Region, working as Korean Representative (2004-2008) of the IOC/WESTPAC NEARGOOS Coordinating Committee for the North-East Asian Regional-Global Ocean Observing System (NEARGOOS). He is the leader of the Working Group for the development of the NEAR-GOOS OperationalOcean Forecasting System, which is now jointly carried out by Korea, China, Russia and Japan.


A Pathway to Shared-Prosperity - Development Aid through Science & Technology

Dong-wha Kum

President, Vietnam–Korea Institute of Science and Technology(VKIST)

Dr. Kum Dong-wha is currently the first President of VKIST, Vietnam. He has retired from KIST in 2016 after 31 years of professional career in R/D(since 1985 after receiving Ph. D. degree in materials science & engineering at Stanford University, USA. His research activity covers mechanical behavior of advanced materials and composites, thin film synthesis of GaN through MOCVD and advanced materials characterization techniques; 51 scientific papers seven patents in these area. He has served as presidents of the Korean Institute of Metals & Materials (KIMM) and the Korean Society for Electron Microscopy, and been active in international communities by representing Korea in TMS, IFMS, PRICM and THERMAT. He has served as the President in KIST (2006 – 2009). He has been active in ST policy and R/D programs in Korea. Public services include the Council Member of the National Science & Technology Council(NSTC) headed by the President (2007-2011), Acting Vice Presidents at the National Academy of Engineering of Korea(NAEK), the Korean Federation of Science & Technology Societies(KOFST) and the Engineer Club. He also served as a Member of Board Directors at CAETS (International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences).


Strategy of Science/Technology ODA for implementation of New Southern Policy, and Appropriate Technology in Water Resources

Kwan-woo Shin

Professor, Department of Chemistry, Sogang University President, Academic Society of Appropriate Technology

Shin Kwan-woo is Professor of Chemistry Department, and director of Institute of Biological Interfaces, Sogang University, Korea. He is also CEO of LAB311, a venture company producing CNT-conducting inks for inkjet printers and portable 3D printers. He received his B.S. at Sogang Univ., and M.S at KAIST and his Ph.D. degree in Materials Science and Engineering at Stony Brook Univ. He worked then as a guest scientist in the National Institute of Standards and Technology and was a visiting scholar in Harvard University from 2013. His research interests mainly lie in the interdisciplinary areas which can be termed as “inkjet-based paper chip”, “cell-sticker for tissue engineering”, “artificial cells”, and recently “bio-printing for tissue regeneration”. He received the Scientist of the Month Award in 2019, Gold-medal in 2014 Korea Patent Expo, and Innovation Award from 2015 Techconnect Expo. Since 2019, he is serving as a President of “Academic Society of Appropriate Technology”, and organizing “2019 International Conference on Science and Technology ODA”, and actively participating in ODA activities of science education and regional developments in developing countries, such as Cambodia, Indonesia and Vietnam. He is also the main author of the first academic textbook, titled “Introduction to Appropriate Technology”.


Managing Sustainable Coastal and Ocean Development in An Increasingly Crowded, Interconnected, and Warming World

Rokhmin Dahuri

Former Minister, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Republic of Indonesia

Prof. Dr. Ir. Rokhmin Dahuri, MS studied Fisheries Biology and Management at Bogor Agricultural University (1982), Environmental and Natural Resource Management at Bogor Agricultural University (1986) and Coastal and Marine Resource Management at Dalhousie University (1999) and has been employed successively by Bogor Agricultural University before his involvement within the government. In 1999 to 2001 served as Director General for Coastal and Small Island Management, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries. In 2001 to 2004 served as Minister of Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries. Rokhmin Dahuri is active in several organizations such as served as Economic Development Advisor of 10 Provincial Governors of Indonesia (Riau Island, West Sumatera, Bangka Belitung, Lampung, West Java, West Kalimantan, West Nusa Tengara, East Nusa Tenggara, West Sulawesi, North Maluku, and Maluku Province); President Of Indonesia Aquaculture Society ; Member of International scientific Advisory Board of Center for Coastal and Ocean Development, University of Bremen, Germany ; Chairman of Struggle Indonesia Democratic Party for Maritime and Fisheries Affairs; Chairperson of the Indonesia KADIN Standing Committee on Marine Fisheries Development and Empowerment.


Blue Economy and Ocean Sciences: Opportunities for Collaboration with Africa

Mika Odido

IOC Coordinator in Africa, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO

Mr Mika Odido is the Technical Secretary for the IOC’s Sub Commission for Africa and the Adjacent Island States. The sub commission was established in 2011 by the Assembly of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO to promote regional and international cooperation for the understanding and management of the African oceans and coastal ecosystems, in order to ensure sustainable development and safety of the coastal populations, taking into account the priorities of Member States from Africa. Mr Odido’s has worked in the field of marine science research and coordination for more than 30 years, starting off as a researcher in physical oceanography at the Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute in Mombasa, Kenya where he focused on Ocean Dynamics and Modeling of coastal processes. During this period he also served as the regional coordinator for the Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS) for the Western Indian Ocean region. He joined UNESCO/IOC as a consultant in 2000 and served as Coordinator for the IOC Regional Committee for the Western Indian Ocean and the Ocean Data and Information Network for Africa. He coordinated the development of the African Sea Level Network and the establishment of the Forum for Heads of Academic and Research Institutions in marine sciences in Eastern Africa. In 2009 he was appointed at the Coordinator for the regional programmes of IOC’s International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange programme (IODE), based at the UNESCO/IOC’s project office for IODE in Oostende, Belgium. In this capacity he was responsible for the development and coordination of the IODE regional ocean data and information networks in Africa, the Caribbean and the Western Pacific regions. He served in this position till his appointment as the Technical Secretary for the IOC Sub Commission for Africa and the Adjacent Island States in March 2012. He is a founder member of the Western Indian Ocean Marine Sciences Association, member of the Steering Committee of the International Coastal and Marine Atlases Network, and a member of the Task Group for Data Sources for Sustainable Development of ICSU Committee for Data for Science and Technology.


Current Status and Prospect of Ocean and Fisheries in Myanmar

Aye Aye Zaw

Director, Kayin State Department of Fisheries, Myanmar

Ms. Aye Aye Zaw studied Zoology at Mandalay University in 1982. She joined to Department of Fisheries in 1993. Since she joined to DoF, she worked as a supervisor of Inland Fisheries Management in Fisheries Management Division . In 2006, Head office of Department of Fisheries, moved to Nay Pyi Taw. Since that time, she involved in all fisheries management activities of DoF including marine fisheries management. Now she is working as a regional director of Kayin State under DoF. Fisheries Management Activities of DoF includes the data collecting, supervising the fisheries in order to conduct systematic fishing activities, determining the rates of licence fee according to the type of fishing gear, determining the prohibited species of fish , size , fishing season, place ,fishing gear and method of fishing as well as classifying , altering and cancelling of fisheries waters. She involved this activities resourcefully as well as in implementation of regional fisheries cooperation activities in ASEAN


Moon-sang Kwon

Principal Researcher, Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology(KIOST) Co-Chair, Tropical Ocean Forum

Dr. Kwon Moon-sang (1957) studied and received Ph.D in Law(International Law(Law of the Sea)(1986) from the Kyunghee University. He has been working as a researcher at the Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology(KIOST) since 1982 working for the past 37 years on ocean law/legal regime and ocean policy/governance. He also served as the first president of the Korea Institute of Marine Science & Technology Promotion(KIMST)(2005-2009). Dr. Kwon was the leading force in establishing the Korea-South Pacific Ocean Research Center(KSORC) in Chuuk, Federated States of Micronesia(May 2000). He is also working on ocean strategy including the New Southern Policy. He is the president/co-president of the Korean Society of Ocean Policy, Kyunggi-Bay Forum, and the Korea Tropical Ocean Forum. Dr. Kwon is also co-chair for the KIOST-Law of the Sea Institute(UC Berkeley Law School) Annual International Conference on Law of the Sea, and KIOST-JVD(U of Hawaii Law School) Annual Regional Conference on Ocean Policy of East Asia and Pacific


Hyeong-cheol Kang

Director General, Busan Office, Korea International Cooperation Agency(KOICA)

Director-General Kang Hyeong-cheol studied Tourism Management at Kyung Hee University(1996). He have performed as Head of General Affair, Planning and Finance, and Inspection after joining in Korea International Cooperation Agency(KOICA) at 1991 which is the year of its establishment. Mr.Kang have been sent to Afghanistan to work in Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) for 18months and also has carried out his KOICA Country Representative role in Timor-Leste for 3 years successfully. He is now Director-General of KOICA Busan Office who endeavors to develop ODA projects in cooperation with Busan City and Oceans and Fisheries related organizations.


Hyun-yeong Kim

Hon. Principal Special Researcher, Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology(KIOST)

Mr. Kim Hyun-yeong is international program coordinator in KIOST(Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology). His background and professional experiences ranges from ocean policy, international cooperation to project management, integration and coordination of administration of the institute. For about 36 years, Hyun-yeong has been working with the Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute (KORDI) which was reborn as Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIOST) on 1 July 2012, in various position. Hyun-yeong was the Head of International Cooperation Center of KORDI at which he initiated a number of international cooperative projects with regard to IOC, WESTPAC, PICES, SCOR, Latin America, Asia, and Africa. He contributed to establish the Korea China Joint Ocean Research Center (Qingdao, China), the Korea Latin America Joint Ocean Research Center(Lima, Peru), and the KIOST-NOAA Joint Research Center (Washington, USA). Hyun Yeong was the initiator and project manager of the project named Capacity Building on Ocean Observing System in Africa to promote South/South cooperation in ocean science, technology and innovation financially supported by Korean government. Since 2012, Hyun Yeong has also been organizer of the series of the annual international forums for Eastern Europe, Latin America, and Indo-Pacific Region on the IOC operational oceanography and future of IOC. He has worked as the member of representatives for many intergovernmental ocean related meetings such as IOC, WESTPAC, PICES, etc. He published many books and reports in the field of ocean policy and international cooperation.


Jung-hee Cho

Director General, Fisheries Policy Research Division, Korea Maritime Institute(KMI)

Dr. Cho Jung-hee studied Oceanography at Inha University, Korea(1991, B.A.), Coastal Zone Management at Nova Southeastern University, USA(1994, M.A.), Natural Resource Economics(1997, M.A.), and Environmental and Natural Resource Economics(2001, Ph.D.) at University of Rhode Island, USA. His research areas of interests are Fisheries Resource Management, Fisheries Trade, International Cooperation and Official Development Assistant on oceans and fisheries. He has been worked as a deputy president of the Fisheries Policy Division at Korea Maritime Institute since 2016. Dr. Cho Jung-hee has participated in numerous professional advisory committees and Korea delegations for Korea Government as an expert on oceans and fisheries field.

Special Session3 Marine Humanities – The Past and the Future of Busan Port
Date 10.31(Thu.)
Place Paradise Hotel, Busan, Republic of Korea


Se-hyun Cho

Professor, Dept. of History, Pukyong National University

Professor Cho Se-hyun (born in 1965) is currently a professor of history at Pukyong National University. His works include (Changbi, 2010), (Sanjini, 2013), (Ilchogak, 2016), (Pukyong National University Press, 2017). Recently, he co-published (Sanjini, 2019) in collaboration with professors of history at Pukyong National University. He is interested in East Asian modern history, and nowadays he studies mainly marine history. He is currently writing a book on maritime civilization by analyzing Chinese Ministers of the diary and travel diary in the Late Qing Period. He has served as Pukyong National University Museum Director, Library Director, and Archives Director.


Opening of Busan Port and its changes in the pre-modern era

Dong-chul Kim

Professor, Dept. of History, Pusan National University

Prof. Kim Dong-Chul (born in 1955) graduated from the Department of History (1978) at Pusan National University and obtained a Master of Literature (1980) and a Doctor of Literature (1993) at Pusan National University. From 1987 up to the present, he has been a professor of the Department of History at Pusan National University for 32 years. He has also served as a guest researcher of the Faculty of Letters at the University of Tokyo, Japan, the president of the Pusan Kyungnam Historical Society, and the head of Center for Locality and Humanities of Humanities Korea Project, Pusan National University. In addition, he is currently a member of the History Compilation committee of Busan, a member of the Cultural Properties Committee, and an overseas editorial member of the Academic Association of Koreanology in Japan


Opening of Ports in the early modern era and Busan Port Locality

Chul-wook Cha

Associate Professor, Center for Korean Studies, Pusan National University

Professor Cha Chul-wook (born1964) majored in KoreanModernHistory at Pusan National University, and is especially interested in the study of history in Busan. He is currently the director of Pusan National University Korean Studies Institute. And he is also the director of the Pukyong Historical Research Institute. The main research theme was the doctoral degree in Korea-Japan trade in the 1950s and was interested in the Japanese society of the Japanese colonial period. Recently, he is concentrating on the life history of the refugees who settled in Busan during the KoreanWar.


Busan made by the history of Busan Port

Yun-mi Kim

Research Professor, Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences, Pukyong National University

Kim yun-mi received his Ph.D. in History from the Pukyong National University and works as a research professor at the Pukyong National University Humanities Korea Plus Research Group


Busan in Maritime Network

Kwang-deok Seo

Professor, Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences, Pukyong National University

Professor Seo Kwang-deok (born in 1965) graduated from the Department of Chinese Language and Literature of Yonsei University(1990) and received his Ph.D. in Chinese modern literature from the same university graduate school(2003). He has worked as a researcher at Yonsei University and Hallym University, and currently works as an HK Research Professor at the Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences, Pukyong National University.


Dream and Vision of Port City Busan

Cheong-ro Ryu

Honorary Professor, Dept. of Ocean Engineering, Pukyong National University

Honorary Professor of. Ryu (1953) studied Fisheries Engineering at PKNU(1974) and Coastal and Port Engineering at Osaka University(1984) and has been worked mainly at PKNU during 40 years as a professor of coastal and port engineering. He also worked at University of Delaware USA and University of Kanazawa Japan as a Researcher and Professor; He worked academic societies and public agencies successively in the region of Ocean Engineering and related area such as: the president of Ocean Engineering Society, the N-E Asian Culture Association , Board member of Busan Port Authority and Chairman of PIPA etc. Present, He is the Chairman of Lee Joo-hong Literature Foundation, and Supervisor of Fishing Port and Fisheries Community Renovation Program “Fisherics Community New Deal 300 Projects of MOF.


Hyeong-kyun Kim

Senior Researcher Fellow, Busan Development Institute(BDI)


Myong-sop Pak

Professor, International Logistics & Trade, Dept. of Global Business Administration, Sungkyunkwan University President, Korea Trade Management Research Association


Dong-ju Son

Director, Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences, Pukyong National University


Yong-deuk Lee

Curator, Busan Customs Museum


Sung-hyun Jeon

Assistant Professor, Department of History, Dong-A University

Special Session4 Plastic Invasion of our Oceans
Date 11.01(Fri.)
Place Paradise Hotel, Busan, Republic of Korea



Won-joon Shim

Director General, South Sea Research Institute, Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology(KIOST)

Dr. Shim Won-joon is a principal research scientist of Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST) and a professor of Department of Marine Sciences at Korea University of Science and Technology. He serves as the Director General of South Research Institute of KIOST. His scientific background is environmental chemistry. He has studied on persistent organic pollutants in marine environments including analysis, monitoring and fate study, since his MSc. and Ph.D works at Seoul National University. His recent research focuses include development of analytical methods of nano- and microplastics, assessment and characterization of microplastic pollution, and weathering process of producing microand nano-size particles. He has published >165 peer-reviewed papers with a Hirsh (H) Index of 46 (Google Scholar) with over 6,836 citations. He is a member of multiple international expert working groups such as GESAMP WG40, SCOR WG153, and PICES WG42 for micro- and macro-plastic debris pollution issues.


No Plastics In Nature

Kim Stengert

Chief, Strategic Communication and External Relations, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) - Singapore

Kim Stengert is Chief, Strategic Communication and External Relations at WWF-Singapore (World Wide Fund for Nature Singapore), the world's largest conservation organisation with offices in about 100 countries. Kim leads multi-stakeholder engagement at WWF-Singapore to address some of the region’s most complex environmental challenges, from haze to plastics, climate change and food. He advocates for policy commitments by businesses and governments while driving behavioural changes amongst mass audiences. At WWF-Singapore, he has pioneered innovative approaches that tap into the digitalconnected to drive conservation outcomes. Initiatives that he has led include an awardwinning augmented reality rainforest experience with the ArtScience Museum and Google and multiple public campaigns to address haze in Singapore that have led to top businesses in Singapore committing to taking action on sustainable palm oil. Kim has a wealth of experience spanning four countries, three continents in almost two decades. Before joining WWF-Singapore in 2014, he owned a digital marketing agency where he consulted Fortune 500 companies on digital and business development strategies.


Cleaning up our oceans one marina at a time

Pete Ceglinski

Co-Founder & CEO, Seabin Project, Australia

Innovator, Ecopreneur, TEDX Speaker, Solutions based, Surfer, Father and Outdoor Adventurer. These are just a few words that have been used to describe Pete Ceglinski – CEO & Co Founder of Clean Tech start up Seabin Project. Pete grew up on the East coast of Australia, surfing from the early age of 8 years old. An ingrained respect for the ocean combined with a keen mind for problem solving, sustainability, design and engineering has proved invaluable in starting Seabin Project, a Australian start up developing innovative clean tech for ocean plastics and marine litter. Pete’s man crush on outdoor company Patagonia has been a large influence on Seabin Project’s 50/50 for profit – not for profit business model which has an equal focus on technology for clean up activities combined with prevention and educational programs to create real time, measurable solutions.


Innovation, action and knowledge to stop marine debris and microplastic pollution

Rachael Miller

Founder & CEO, Rozalia Project for a Clean Ocean / Cora Ball, United States

Rachael Miller is the Founder of Rozalia Project for a Clean Ocean, Co-Inventor of the Cora Ball, and a National Geographic Explorer. Rachael is focused on protecting the ocean specifically addressing the problem of marine debris through cleanup, prevention through education, embracing innovation and technology and doing solutions-based research in urban and coastal waters and from surface to seafloor. Rozalia Project removed over 1,000,000 pieces of trash from our ocean, lakes and rivers and educated and inspired over 75,000 people in direct programs over the last 10 years. The Cora Ball is the world’s first microfiber-catching laundry ball and a tool to make an impact, raise awareness and inspire innovation around the problem of microplastic and microfiber pollution worldwide. Rachael is a frequent public speaker sharing her team’s work at the 5 and 6th International Marine Debris Conferences, New England Aquarium's IMAX theater, Underwater Intervention, Alaska Forum on the Environment, European Outdoor Show, Microfiber Summit at the Parliament in London, YSEALI Marine Debris Expedition (Jakarta), TEDx Lowell and at numerous events and academic institutions worldwide. She is the lead author on one peer-reviewed published paper and several reports on microplastics and marine debris. Awards and recognition for Rachael and her team include: VideoRay’s Best Mission and PR Story awards for work using remotely operated vehicles to connect people to their underwater world and understand marine debris at the land-sea interface; named an Ocean Exemplar by World Ocean Observatory, Old Pulteney Maritime Hero Finalist, a finalist at the Ocean Exchange and winner of the Most Innovative Idea in Microplastics from Think Beyond Plastic. Rachael holds a USCG 50 ton Master's license and captains the 60’ sailing research vessel, American Promise. She trains ROV pilots for VideoRay, helps write curriculum for US Sailing’s REACH STEM Education program and mentors students at the New York HarborSchool. Her academic background is in marine studies and underwater archaeology. She lives in Vermont and loves the snowy mountains as much as the sea.

Special Session5 The 4th Ocean Start-Up
Date 11.01(Fri.)
Place Paradise Hotel, Busan, Republic of Korea


Co-Founder & CEO, Seabin Project, Australia

Pete Ceglinski

Innovator, Ecopreneur, TEDX Speaker, Solutions based, Surfer, Father and Outdoor Adventurer. These are just a few words that have been used to describe Pete Ceglinski – CEO & Co Founder of Clean Tech start up Seabin Project. Pete grew up on the East coast of Australia, surfing from the early age of 8 years old. An ingrained respect for the ocean combined with a keen mind for problem solving, sustainability, design and engineering has proved invaluable in starting Seabin Project, a Australian start up developing innovative clean tech for ocean plastics and marine litter. Pete’s man crush on outdoor company Patagonia has been a large influence on Seabin Project’s 50/50 for profit – not for profit business model which has an equal focus on technology for clean up activities combined with prevention and educational programs to create real time, measurable solutions.

Special Program WOF with WWF Ocean Clean-Up Campaign
Date 11.01(Fri.)
Place Paradise Hotel, Busan, Republic of Korea