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WOF 2008

Opening Session

[Keynote Speaker]

Seaport Cities Network and the Principle of Mutualism

Keo-Don Oh

Korea Maritime University President

[Keynote Speaker]

The Expansion of the Panama Canal

Alberto Aleman Zubieta

The Panama Canal Authority Canal Authority CEO

Session1 Ocean Resources and Energy for New Growth Engine


Jong-Hee Kang

Korea Maritime Institute President


VIVACE : A New Concept for harnessing Hydokinetic Energy

Michael M. Bernitsas

Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, University of Michigan Professor


Merging the Blue and Green Revolutions : Integrating Aquaculture with Agriculture

Kevin M. Fitzsimmons

Extension Specialist and Research Scientist, College of Agriculture and Life Science, University of Arizona Professor


Ecosystem Based Management

David Lincoln Fluharty

College of Ocean Fishery Science, University of washington Professor

Session2 Creating National Wealth through Shipbuilding and Logistics Industry
Date 11.12(Wed)

[Keynote Speaker]

Ho-Hwan Chun

Pusan National University Professor


Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibilityin Shipping

Peter Marlow

International Association of Maritime Economists President


An Added Value of Cruise Ship

Juha Heikinheimo

STX EUROPE ASA, Sales&Marketing of Cruise&Ferries President


Future of Korean Shipbuilding Industry

Young-Woon Jeon

Hanjin Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd executive director

Session3 Future Vision Toward a Marine Power
Date 11.12(Wed)

[Keynote Speaker]

Ki-Tae Roh

Busan Port Authority CEO


The Hansa - Progressive Revival of a Medieval Network

Inger Harlevi

HANSE 1st Vice President


Research on Harmonized Coexistence of Human and Ocean

shuguang Wang

China Ocean Research and Development Institute President

[Keynote Speaker]

Ki-dae, Yeom

Korea Maritime Research Institute a former ledger

Special Session1 Stories on Future Values of Ocean by World Leading Scholars
Date 11.12(Wed)


Future Co-Prospect through Port Networks

O. C. Phang

International Ports and Harbours Addociations President


Marine Renewable Energy : Prospect and Challenges

Michael M. Bernitsas

Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, University of Michigan Professor


Professional Education for the Today's Maritime Industry

Karl Laubstein

World Maritime University President